Building a Personal Cloud Gaming Server

If you talk to any of my friends, they will tell you to not get me started talking about virtualization. I have done everything I can to virtualize every computer function in my home. Everything from my home automation, web server, media server, to the game servers I host for myself and friends.

How We Handle Peripherals Is Changing

Since our founding, more than twenty years ago, Puget Systems has offered a small selection of keyboards, mice, and other accessories for purchase and use with our computers. The exact categories and models we have carried changed over time, of course, but it was always just an assumed part of our business – after all, people need input devices, displays, backup drives, etc. But what if that isn’t actually the best approach for our customers?

AMD – Return of the King?

Back in 2015, we quietly dropped AMD processor options from our workstations. At the time, I wrote a post explaining what had happened, and ended it with a hope that AMD would come back someday with a more competitive CPU. That did, in fact, happen – and over the last couple of years we have seen them surge back into our product line with a vengeance!

Changes coming to the UnrealBench test suit

The more we dive into Unreal, and talk with users, the more we learn what needs to change in our test suit. After a few rounds of testing, some shortcomings have been exposed, and some new features have become available. We’ll go over the plan to fix these and ask if you have any additional suggestions.