14th Gen Intel processors have launched and are drop-in replacements for 12th & 13th Gen Core processors. How well do they perform in Cinema 4D?

14th Gen Intel processors have launched and are drop-in replacements for 12th & 13th Gen Core processors. How well do they perform in Cinema 4D?
Cinebench 2024 is with with new features and expanded compatibility. We look into what these features are and what this update means for benchmarking.
Intel’s new 13th Gen processors have just launched, hard on the heels of AMD’s recent release of their Ryzen 7000 Series. AMD has long held the lead with CPU rendering workflows. Will the new 13th Gen processors allow Intel to overtake AMD and become the best choice for Cinema 4D?
AMD’s new Ryzen 7000 Series of processors have arrived, promising faster performance along with new features like support for DDR5 memory. The previous gen Ryzen 5000 already faired well against Intel’s 12th generation in Cinema 4D. Will AMD be able to take a strong lead with these new CPUs?
AMD’s new Threadripper PRO 5000 WX-Series CPUs have arrived, promising faster performance with the same high core count and platform features found in the previous generation. Just how must faster are these new CPUs in Cinema 4D, and how do they compare to the Intel Xeon W-3000 line?
Intel has launched their new 12th Gen Intel Core desktop processors (code-named “Alder Lake”) featuring support for DDR5, PCIe 5.0, as well as a completely new hybrid architecture using a mix of Performance and Efficient-cores. This is a lot of new technologies in one product, so we are excited to see how much of a performance boost the 12th Gen CPUs will see in Cinema 4D.
Due to the new hybrid architecture used on the 12th Gen Intel Core desktop processors (code-named “Alder Lake”), Windows 11 is recommended in order for the Thread Director to be fully operational. But does this actually make a difference in the real world, or are their other issues that would actually make Windows 10 the better option?
Intel’s new Xeon W-3330 series of workstation CPUs are here, ranging from 12 to 38 cores, and touting up to 18% IPC improvements. But are these features worth the higher cost of the Xeon platform, and how do they fare against AMD’s Threadripper Pro line in Cinema 4D?
Recently, Intel announced their new 11th Gen Intel Core desktop processors (code-named “Rocket Lake”). These new processors are marketed as having substantially better per-core performance compared to their previous 10th Gen Core models, however, their top-of-the-line CPU now has fewer cores. How will these new CPUs compare to AMD in Cinema 4D?
AMD’s new Threadripper Pro CPUs are here, combining many of the features from their Threadripper and EPYC CPU lines including increased memory and PCI-E capability. But are these extra features useful for Cinema 4D, or should you stick with the normal Threadripper processors?